„You can`t sleep in class.“
„No, but if you didn`t talk so loudly I could.“
Why does Hillary want to have sex with Bill every day at 5 am? She wants to make sure that she is the first lady.
In the Sovetski Svaz two men meet in a prison. One asks: – How many years did they give you? – Five years. – What did you do? – Nothing! – You lying fu*king dog! For nothing, the Soviet Authorities give ten years!
The top six reasons computers must be female: 6. As soon as you have one, a better one is just around the corner. 5. No one but the creator understands the internal logic. 4. Even your smallest mistakes are immediately committed to memory for future reference. 3. The native language used to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else. 2. The message „Bad Command or File Name“ is about as informative as „If you don´t know why I´m mad at you, then I´m certainly not going to tell you“. AND THE NUMBER ONE REASON COMPUTERS ARE FEMALE: As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half of your paycheck on accessories for it.
Americký film: „How do you do?“ „All right!“ V pozadi amatérský překlad: „Jak si to děláš?“ „Vždycky pravačkou!“
During the first year of marriage, the husband speaks and the wife hears. During the second year, the wife speaks and the husband hears. During the third year both of them speak, but only the neighbours hear.
Five year old Little Johnny was lost, so he went up to a policeman and said, „I´ve lost my dad!“ The policeman said, „What´s he like?“ Little Johnny replied, „Beer and women!“
Three women are having lunch, discussing their husbands. The first says, „My husband is cheating on me, I just know it. I found a pair of stockings in his jacket pocket, and they weren´t mine!“ The second says, „My husband is cheating on me, I just know it. I found a condom in his wallet, so I poked it full of holes with my sewing needle!“ The third woman fainted.
Hollywoodská hvězda čte ve svém pokoji ranní noviny.
„Margaret,” volá na svoji polovičku. „Margaret, četla jsi už dnešní drby v novinách? Jednoduše směšné. Píší tady, že sis sbalila kufry a opustila mě. Margaret, slyšíš mě? Margaret? Margaret…?!”
Waiter: „Would you like your coffe black?“
Diner: „What other colours you have?“
Želva chtěla jednou v životě vidět erotický film.
Ale u pokladny ji nechtěli pustit dovnitř a tak si sedla před kinem a začala příšerně plakat!
Tu šel kolem mladý muž a ptá se želvy co s ní je.
Vysvětlila mu co se stalo a ten muž navrhl, že by ji mohl schovat ve svých kalhotách, když mu želva koupí vstupenku!
V kině že prý pak rozepne zip u kalhot a ona se bude moct podívat na ten erotický film.
Jak řekl, tak udělali! V kině seděl vedle těch dvou mladý pár.
Dívka se pořád dívala na toho mladého muže,načež se její přítel nazlobeně zeptal, co tam celou dobu pozoruje!
Ona odpověděla: „Podívej, má HO venku!!“
Na to její přítel: „No a co? Co je na tom, že HO má venku, já HO mám venku taky!“
Ona: „Ano, já vím! Ale ten tvůj nežere popcorn!“
„Doctor, what shall I do? My husband talks in his sleep every night…“ „Just give him the opportunity to talk during the day!“
Žije běloch kousek od černocha a pořád se mu honí hlavou, jak to, že černoch má všechny děti černý, zatímco ty jeho jsou bílé. Jde teda za sousedem a ptá se: „Poslouchej, ty máš všechny děti takový pěkně černý a já je mám všechny takový vybledlý, jak to pořád děláš?“ Černoch se usměje, nakloní se k bělochovi a říká:
„Podívej, máš ho dvacet pět centimetrů dlouhého?“ Běloch zavrtí hlavou: „No to asi ne.“ A černoch na to: „A máš ho tak šest v průměru?“ Běloch na to: „To bych taky neřekl“ Černoch se posadí, plácne se do kolen a huláká: „No jasně, to ti tam jde světlo!“
An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings which were on display at that time. „I have good news and bad news,“ the owner replied. „Okay. Let´s hear it,“ responded the artist. „Well, the good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all 15 of your paintings.“ „That´s wonderful,“ the artist exclaimed. „What´s the bad news?“ „The guy said he was your doctor.“
Baví se dvě sousedky:
„Pani, víte, že ten Franta, ten vod vedle, ten velkej a fousatej, zemřel?“
„Nepovídejte, a co se mu stalo?“
„Představte si, jel na motorce, praskla mu guma, dostal smyk a zabil se.“
„No vidíte to, jak se narodil, tak taky zemřel.